
【編輯】寫作平臺為企業帶來$1 億美元,挖掘出這個金礦的神奇 AI 技術!

企業專注的創造性人工智慧平臺 Writer 籌得 1 億美元概述 Investors haven’t tired of generative AI startups yet—particularly those with clear enterprise applications. One such .... (往下繼續閱讀)

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【編輯】寫作平臺為企業帶來$1 億美元,挖掘出這個金礦的神奇 AI 技術!

企業專注的創造性人工智慧平臺 Writer 籌得 1 億美元


Investors haven’t tired of generative AI startups yet—particularly those with clear enterprise applications. One such startup is Writer, which recently announced raising $100 million in a Series B funding round led by ICONIQ Growth. The funds will be used to further develop Writer's "full-stack" generative AI platform for businesses. With this latest funding, Writer's total raised has reached $126 million, and the company is now valued between $500 million and $750 million. Writer's platform aims to simplify the process of creating industry-specific AI models for generating text, addressing the challenges of data gathering and cleaning, workflow construction, and retrieval augmented generation. The platform offers features such as connecting to a company's knowledge base for additional context, hosting data and models securely in an enterprise virtual private cloud, and enforcing regulatory, legal, and brand rules.


Writer faces competition in the crowded field of generative AI platforms. OpenAI and its generative text AI rivals, such as Anthropic, AI21 Labs, and Mistral AI, share the market. Additionally, there are other enterprise-focused generative platforms like Jasper, Cohere, and Typeface. These platforms provide AI-powered tools to generate or complete various types of documents, including advertisements, email campaigns, blog posts, flyers, and websites.

Writer 的優勢

Writer differentiates itself from competitors in several ways. Firstly, it claims to have trained its fine-tunable models on non-copyrighted business writing. This is significant as the copyright status of AI-generated works in the U.S. remains somewhat unclear. Secondly, Writer asserts that its models are more cost-effective due to their smaller size. The company also offers transparency by allowing customers to inspect the models' code, features, and data. Furthermore, Writer emphasizes that its models are never trained on customer data, ensuring data confidentiality. Similar to its competitors, Writer enables customers to connect its models to various business data sources for improved research, fact-checking, and answering questions. Additionally, Writer allows companies to enforce regulatory, legal, and brand rules across its platform, ensuring compliance and consistency.


Writer claims to have acquired "hundreds" of customers, including well-known companies such as Intuit, United Healthcare, UiPath, Spotify, L’Oreal, Uber, and Accenture. This customer base demonstrates Writer's successful implementation in various industries. The company, headquartered in San Francisco with a team of 100 employees, has also reported a remarkable 10x revenue growth in the last two years.


AI 技術在企業應用中的重要性

企業對於 AI 技術在不同領域的應用越來越感興趣,因為它們看到 AI 可以加速和自動化工作流程、改進業務效率以及提供創新的解決方案。特別是在文書撰寫領域,AI 技術可以幫助企業生成高質量的文字,節省人力成本並提高效率。因此 Writer 這樣的企業專注的 AI 平臺在這一領域中有著巨大的潛力。

Writer 平臺的創新和優勢

Writer 平臺在眾多競爭對手中脫穎而出。該平臺的創新之處在於提供了企業所需的透明度、安全性和合規性。企業對於 AI 生成的文字的合法性和版權問題非常關注,而 Writer 的使用者可以檢視模型的程式碼、特徵和資料,從而提高其信任度。此外 Writer 的模型大小較小,使得其執行成本更低,這也符合企業對於有效管理資源的需求。另外 Writer 提供與企業資料源的存取,使得企業能夠更好地進行調查、核實事實並回答問題,從而提高工作效率。


在 AI 技術的應用中,合規性和隱私保護一直是令企業擔憂的問題。Writer 平臺強調了合規性和隱私保護,透過對模型進行規範和約束,確保企業在使用 AI 技術時能夠遵守相應的法規和品牌要求,從而減少法律風險。同時該平臺保證了客戶資料的安全性和保密性,不會將其用於訓練模型,這將有助於增加使用者的信任和保護客戶的商業資料。


隨著企業對 AI 技術的需求不斷增加,Writer 平臺有望在企業市場中繼續獲得成功。然而隨著競爭的加劇,平臺需要不斷創新和改進,以滿足不斷變化的需求。同時持續關注 AI 生成文字的合規性和版權問題也是重要的。只有透過解決這些問題,Writer 和其他企業將能夠實現他們在 AI 技術領域的潛力,為企業和社會帶來更多的益處。
AI,technology,writingplatform,business-wordpress,寫作平臺,企業,$1 億美元,AI 技術


