
OpenAI 成立團隊研究「災難性」人工智慧風險,包括核威脅

Nuclear Threats and the Study of Catastrophic AI RisksOpenAI Forms New Team for PreparednessOpenAI, a leading artificial intelligence research organiz .... (往下繼續閱讀)

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OpenAI 成立團隊研究「災難性」人工智慧風險,包括核威脅

Nuclear Threats and the Study of Catastrophic AI Risks

OpenAI Forms New Team for Preparedness

OpenAI, a leading artificial intelligence research organization, has recently established a new team called Preparedness. Led by Aleksander Madry, the director of MIT's Center for Deployable Machine Learning, the team aims to assess, evaluate, and investigate the risks associated with AI models. Preparedness will focus on safeguarding against "catastrophic risks" ranging from AI's potential to deceive and manipulate humans to its malicious code-generating abilities. One rather surprising area of concern mentioned by OpenAI is the threat of "chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear" risks related to AI models.

Are These Concerns Far-fetched?

OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, has been known to express his worries about the potential dangers of AI, even suggesting that it may lead to the extinction of humanity. However, the announcement that OpenAI is devoting resources to studying scenarios reminiscent of dystopian science fiction novels goes beyond what many had anticipated. While some may question the feasibility of these concerns, OpenAI is open to studying both "less obvious" and more grounded areas of AI risk.

Community Involvement and $25,000 Prize

To encourage active participation from the community, OpenAI is inviting ideas for risk studies related to AI. The company is offering a $25,000 prize and the opportunity to join the Preparedness team for the top ten submissions. Contestants are challenged to imagine themselves as malicious actors having unrestricted access to OpenAI's advanced models and propose potential catastrophes that are both unique and plausible.

Risk-Informed Development Policy

Alongside their research efforts, the Preparedness team will also develop a "risk-informed development policy." This policy will outline OpenAI's approach to evaluating and monitoring AI models, risk mitigation strategies, and the governance structure for oversight throughout the model development process. OpenAI believes that highly capable AI systems have the potential to benefit humanity but also pose increasingly severe risks. Therefore, it is crucial to establish the necessary understanding and infrastructure to ensure their safety.

Addressing Superintelligent AI

The unveiling of the Preparedness team coincides with a U.K. government summit on AI safety. It also follows OpenAI's announcement of another team dedicated to studying and controlling "superintelligent" AI. OpenAI's CEO, Sam Altman, along with Ilya Sutskever, the company's chief scientist and co-founder, believes that AI with intelligence surpassing that of humans may emerge within the next decade, requiring research into methods to limit and regulate its behavior.

Editorial: The Ethical Responsibility of AI Development

Balancing Benefits and Risks

The establishment of OpenAI's Preparedness team highlights the growing concern over the potential risks posed by AI systems. As AI continues to advance and enhance its capabilities, the need for rigorous evaluation, monitoring, and risk mitigation becomes paramount. OpenAI's emphasis on assessing both immediate and far-reaching threats should be commended, as it demonstrates a commitment to responsible and ethical development.

Considering the Unintended Consequences

The study of catastrophic AI risks, including the possibility of nuclear threats, prompts us to confront the ethical questions surrounding the development and deployment of advanced AI systems. While AI holds tremendous potential to benefit society, it also presents unprecedented challenges. As AI models become more sophisticated, so do the risks associated with their misuse or unintended consequences. OpenAI's proactive willingness to address and understand these risks is a crucial step in ensuring the safe and responsible use of AI technology.

Advice: Collaborative Efforts and Multi-Stakeholder Engagement

Actively Involving the Community

OpenAI's decision to invite ideas from the community for risk studies is commendable. A collaborative approach that harnesses the collective intelligence of researchers, policymakers, and industry experts can help identify and anticipate potential risks more effectively. By actively involving the community, OpenAI can gain diverse perspectives and foster a sense of shared responsibility in addressing AI risks.

Building International Cooperation

Given the global nature of AI development, addressing catastrophic AI risks requires international cooperation. Governments, research institutions, and private sector organizations should collaborate to develop common frameworks and guidelines that ensure the safe and ethical development of AI technology. International summits and conferences, like the one held by the U.K. government, serve as crucial platforms for fostering dialogue and consensus-building.

Ethics as a Foundation

As AI progresses, ethical considerations must be at the forefront. Governments should establish regulatory frameworks that provide clarity on the ethical standards expected from AI developers and users. Companies, too, should adopt internal policies and procedures that prioritize ethical conduct throughout the AI development lifecycle. Ultimately, a shared commitment to ethical practices will help foster public trust and confidence in the responsible use of AI.

In conclusion, OpenAI's formation of the Preparedness team to study catastrophic AI risks, including nuclear threats, reflects the ethical responsibility that comes with the advancement of AI technology. By actively engaging the community and promoting international cooperation, we can collectively ensure the safe and beneficial use of AI for the betterment of humanity.




