
伊隆·馬斯克的 Twitter 一年後:你需要知道的一切

ced on Twitter that the social media platform would start sharing ad revenue with creators, with subscription service Twitter Blue being the first to .... (往下繼續閱讀)

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伊隆·馬斯克的 Twitter 一年後:你需要知道的一切
ced on Twitter that the social media platform would start sharing ad revenue with creators, with subscription service Twitter Blue being the first to receive ad revenue. He mentioned that the advertising credits for creators would be initially set at $5 million and paid out via Stripe. Additionally, verified creators would gain access to the new ad revenue-sharing program. Elon Musk also stated that he planned to use these changes to hook people to buy Twitter Blue, but didn’t specify a timeline for when creators who had Blue would start seeing ad revenue. The move was seen as a way for Twitter to monetize the content creators produce on its platform. Twitter loses hundreds of employees from its Taipei office Numerous employees of Twitter's Taipei office have departed the company as part of ongoing layoffs. It's been reported that approximately 200 employees have been affected, as part of Twitter's significant downsizing efforts in its global operations. This departure has created concerns about the impact on Twitter's operations and on the affected employees, creating a significant level of disruption and unease within the company and its Taipei operations. Following this development and the prolonged period of layoffs, there are concerns about the long-term prospects of Twitter's operations as well as the morale and well-being of those who have been affected by the reduction in staff. These developments could have wide-ranging implications for the company's operations in Taipei and its global operations more broadly. Editorial: Twitter’s Ongoing Transformation and The Future of Social Media As Twitter undergoes continued changes, including ownership, leadership, and product and policy updates, it's clear that the company is in a state of transformation. The recent departures from the Taipei office underscore the significant and ongoing changes happening within Twitter. This phase of transformation has raised broader questions about the future of social media platforms and the role they play in fostering public dialogue and interaction. As Twitter seeks to redefine its value proposition and adjust to the evolving landscape of social media, it faces complex challenges in striking a balance between user engagement, revenue generation, and content moderation. For users of the platform, these changes have led to a sense of uncertainty and concern about the direction Twitter is taking. Questions about the impact on user experience, the quality of content, and the overall community atmosphere have emerged. There is also a growing focus on transparency and accountability in the company's decisions and policies. In light of these developments, it's essential for Twitter to communicate openly and transparently with its user base and stakeholders. Clarity and consistency in its communication about changes, challenges, and the rationale behind its decisions will be crucial in maintaining trust and confidence among users, employees, and partners. Advice: Navigating the Evolving Social Media Landscape For individuals, businesses, and organizations that utilize social media platforms for communication, content creation, and engagement with audiences, it's important to carefully monitor the ongoing changes in the social media landscape, including those happening within Twitter. Here are some potential strategies to consider: 1. Diversify Your Social Media Presence: As Twitter and other platforms evolve, it's wise to diversify your social media presence. Explore alternative platforms and channels that align with your goals and your audience's preferences. This can help mitigate risks associated with overreliance on a single platform. 2. Stay Informed: Keep abreast of updates, policy changes, and platform developments on Twitter and other social media platforms. Follow official communications, industry news, and expert analyses to gain insights into the implications of these changes for your own social media strategies. 3. Adapt and Experiment: Be open to adapting your content strategy and trying out new features or formats offered by Twitter. Experiment with different types of content and engagement approaches to stay relevant and responsive to evolving user behaviors and platform dynamics. 4. Community Building: Prioritize community building and engagement across platforms. Develop a more diversified and resilient online community by fostering relationships with your audience on multiple platforms, creating opportunities for cross-platform interaction and engagement. 5. Flexibility in Advertising: If you utilize advertising on Twitter, consider being flexible in your approach. Keep an eye on changes in ad policies and functionalities and be prepared to adapt your advertising strategies based on evolving platform capabilities. In conclusion, the ongoing changes at Twitter represent broader trends in the social media industry. As users, businesses, and organizations, it's essential to approach these changes with an informed and adaptive mindset, seeking to maintain a strong and effective online presence across multiple platforms while remaining responsive to the shifts in the digital landscape. In sum, the changes within Twitter's Taipei office and across the platform at large represent a significant moment in the evolution of social media and digital communication, prompting considerations about the future of social media and strategies for engagement in this evolving landscape. These changes underscore the need for individuals and organizations to remain vigilant, adaptable, and well-informed as they navigate the shifting currents of the digital world.


