
4 篇文章

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman is Captivating the Tech World, But What is He Up To?

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman is Captivating the Tech World, But What is He Up To?

Reddit 是一個矚目的社群平臺,然而最近 CEO Steve Huffman 的一系列舉動引起了人們的關注。報道中提到,Reddit 在 2021 年新一輪融資中的估值已從 100 億美元下調了 41%,導致一些人質疑 Reddit 是否能夠以理想估值進行 IPO,讓投資者獲利退出。此外這篇報道

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman isn’t backing down: our full interview

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman 未退讓:我們完整的訪談

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman isn’t backing down: our full interview Reddit CEO Steve Huffman 未退讓:我們完整的訪談

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman stands firm in API changes: Full interviewBackgroundReddit, the popular social media platform, is currently facing significan

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman is Unyielding: Our Complete Interview

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman is Unyielding: Our Complete Interview

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman Isn't Backing Down: Our Full InterviewIntroductionIn a recent interview with Reddit CEO Steve Huffman, we gained insights int

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: Reddit「從來無意支援第三方應用程式」

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: Reddit「從來無意支援第三方應用程式」

Reddit CEO Steve Huffman: 第三方應用程式不在 Reddit 的設計過程中摘要:Reddit 的 CEO Steve Huffman 承認,許多第三方應用程式對 Reddit 社群並未帶來太多價值。他表示 Reddit 的 API(應用程式介面)本來就不是為了支援第三方應用程
